Monday, September 22, 2008

First Photos of Crete

Hi All I have no idea of the time in Greece but it is the middle of the night. By some atmospheric condition or because it is late, but somehow my remote devise has picked up a signal and I am on the net...... Okay next trick is to try and load some photos before it goes. This is like the 90's on the nett.....very slow and unpredictable. Everyone cross your fingers
So that worked.....first photo is Sue and Yanni my cousin. Second photo is Yanni cooking up a storm.
You should have tasted these steaks....also Marias( Yannis Wife) roasted rabbitt!!!.Third photo is Maria, Me Yanni and Sue. The last photo is the Vegatable Shop Owners from Porta Helli. Sue and Karen use to buy the vegetables from this family. They made a huge fuss of Sue when she turned up.


Karen said...
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Karen said...

Whoopsie! Just realised I deleted my comment. So I'll do it again!
Hey Sue,
Is Porto Heli actually "the land where time stood still"? Fruit and Veg Takis, his brother, and his mother haven't changed in 11 years! In fact they all look better! It must be all the olive oil and retsina!
love Karen x